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Bad service or charming service?

There is a category of service, usually encountered in traditional and local places, which may receive mixed reviews from travelers.

Picture this. You are in the middle of the "French nowhere" and you came across a popular local joint, which happens to be a small family business. You see dozens of blue collar workers enjoying their lunch in a small crowded room. There is only one waitress who does not speak English and is trying to accommodate everyone. She is the daughter of the owner / cook, whom you can hear speaking loudly from the kitchen.

The daughter is running like a mad woman in order to put all the food on every table and takes a while to get to your table. Even if you try to get her attention, she gives you the impression that she will do her best to get the food out, but if that is not good enough for you, you may go get it yourself.

Do you think this is bad service?

Now, compare this to a different kind of service, usually found in highly touristic areas. Overdressed waiters, putting on a fake attempt to smile cordially to you. They seem that their world would come to an end, if they don't lure you in their restaurant when in fact you can see from a distance that you are just a dollar sign to them.

Which one do you prefer? The genuinely cordial and authentic attitude in the first case, even if it is really rustic, or the fake tourist smile?

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