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There is no room for flaws in the 3-star galaxy
There is no room for flaws in the 3-star galaxy

Service is an art form. When it comes to 3-star establishments, service should move within very strict boundaries; those defined by perfection.

There is no room for flaws in the 3-star galaxy. Not even on highly saturated service days. The managers have a responsibility to accept only the covers that they can handle. It is plain inexcusable to attribute high traffic for less than perfect service at this level.

Professional service can be impersonal by nature, especially in the case of one-time visitors. However, when guests feel that everything is taken care for them, combined with a discreet element of personal touch, then an ideal situation is achieved.

Contrary, if the guests receive the impression that getting their food on the table is an accidental occurrence which may or may not happen on time, the restaurant has lost the game, despite its stars.

Professionalism in service is defined in different ways. Adequacy, efficiency, friendliness and sincerity are justifiable criteria. Beyond these and all the relevant rules and "musts", service is an art form; the art of getting the job done properly, while enjoying the process.

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