Things To Do Review

Piazza Umberto (Piazetta), Capri, Italy
editor's rating

Rating: 6

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Capri, Italy
Capri, Italy
40° 33' 2.48'' N,
14° 14' 34.08'' E

"Posh square in the center of Capri."

The island of Capri is well know for being a favorite for the rich and famous. That said, a lot of ordinary people visit the island every day and dress up Capri style. The Piazzetta, as it is called, is the island's main (but small) square which is lined with coffee shops, bars and restaurants with tables and chairs spread out.

A lot of tourists dressed up in posh summer clothes, chill out and enjoy a drink while watching the world go by in this outdoor area. During sunset, Piazza Umberto is bathed in really beautiful warm hues.

The Piazzetta also features a small tower with a 17th century clock named Torre del Orologio.

It is also near other major Capri attractions including the Church of Santo Stefano, the Cerio Museum and the bus terminal.


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