Things To Do Review

St. Carolus Borromeus Church, Antwerp, Belgium
editor's rating

Rating: 5

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T: +32 3 231 37 51 Hendrik Conscienceplein 12, 2000
Antwerp, Belgium
51° 13' 16.06'' N,
4° 24' 15.78'' E

Churches / Cathedrals, Baroque
"Glorious Baroque church with Rubens's touch."

Can't really tell it's a church from its luxurious facade, which is believed that Rubens who used to live in the area, has designed. The glorious building is indeed a Baroque church, the St. Carolus Borromeus Church, and was built by the Jesuits in the 16th century. Richly appointed decorations continuing in the interior, with lavish marble and artwork displays. A painting in the altar's centerpiece is the main focus attraction and is interchangeable, providing the ability to alter the painting.

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